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آلات البثق ذات اللولب المفرد لخلط البولي إيثيلين منخفض الكثافة (LDPE) مع الكربون الأسود

الوقت: 2024-08-02 المشاهدات: 0


المكونات والوظائف:

نظام التغذية:
Cone double feeder: The mixed low density polyethylene particles and carbon black are fed into the extruder.
Weight or volume feeders: Used to precisely control the feeding rate of each component.

Extruder barrel and screw:
Single-screw design: Designed for specific material combinations, ensuring efficient mixing and dispersion.
Barrel heating zone: There are multiple heating zones along the barrel to ensure that the material is melted and properly mixed.
Cooling system: Control temperature during processing.

Mixing part:
Mixing element: to evenly disperse low density polyethylene and carbon black.

نظام التحكم:
Temperature controller: Maintain optimum processing temperature.
Speed controller: Used in screw and feeders to manage material throughput and mixing strength.

Die head and cutting system:
Die head: The extrusion is formed according to the desired profile or particle.
Pelletizer or cutter: Cut the extrude into uniform particles as needed.

ميزات إضافية:
Vent: Used to remove air or volatile substances left over from the extrusion process.
Pressure sensor: Used to monitor and control the pressure within the extruder to ensure stable mass.

Wire and cable coating: low-density polyethylene containing carbon black is often used for insulation and sheath of cables due to its conductive properties.
Plastic films and sheets: UV resistant films for the packaging industry.
Pipes and tubes: Solutions for UV resistant and conductive pipes.
Masterbatch production: used to produce color masterbatches that can be used in various plastic products to give the product color and character.

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السابق: آلة التكوير تحت الماء من النوع Double GSmach 75/180 مصممة خصيصًا لأنظمة معدات التحبيب البلاستيكية عالية الجودة.

NEXT: إن جهاز بثق خيوط الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد هو جهاز يحول المواد الخام البلاستيكية (عادةً في شكل حبيبات) إلى خيوط مناسبة للاستخدام بواسطة الطابعات ثلاثية الأبعاد. تتضمن العملية تسخين البلاستيك حتى يذوب، ثم بثقه من خلال فوهة لتشكيل

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